Facebook Giveaway

Run a Facebook Giveaway for users who like or comment on one or more posts on your Facebook Page, and you will increase brand awareness and follower engagement. Use our Facebook Giveaway app to select a random winner in an automatic and transparent way.



Facebook Giveaway

¿Qué tipo de giveaways puedes realizar en Facebook?

Likes and Reactions Giveaway

Run a giveaway for users that Like or React to one or various posts on your Facebook Page.

Start now

Comments Giveaway

Run a giveaway for users who comment on your Facebook posts with text, photos, or videos.

Start now

Facebook Giveaway Main Features

  • Run giveaways on your Facebook Page

    Get more reach and engagement with a Facebook comments contest. Invite followers to comment on one or more of your posts - then pick a winner on Facebook automatically.

  • Pick winners instantly

    Pick a winner on Facebook in just 5 clicks. Choose as many winners as you want, and pick alternates in case you can't contact a winner. Run a test to make sure that the app is working perfectly.

  • Filter, exclude or blacklist

    Manage participants with our filtering and anti-fraud tools. Filter comments by hashtag, exclude previous winners or rogue participants, and blacklist bad actors from future giveaways.

  • Manage winners and prizes

    Use our suite of tools to announce the winners, verify their identity and get contact details to deliver the prize. Disqualify winners if necessary, and replace them instantly with alternates.

  • Certificate of validity

    Share a public, permanent certificate which proves that your Facebook giveaway was fair. It certifies the time, date, and winners of the contest.

  • Export a list of users

    Download a list of usernames and comments as an Excel file. Add the information to your CRM or use comments as user-generated content and social proof.

Facebook Giveaway is available in the following plans:

Basic PRO

Number of giveaways


Maximum number of reactions


Maximum number of comments


Certificate of Validity

Results published on the Winners Page

Automatic selection of substitute winners

Claim Your Prize system

Blacklist bad users

Exclude former winners

Likes/Reactions on more than one post

Comments on more than one post of the same profile

Run multiple giveaways on one post

Download participants and comments as an Excel/CSV file

Broadcast Mode - virtual video of the prize draw

Support for dark posts

Advanced giveaway statistics

Giveaways with collaborators

VAT not included

Complete features

  • Get set up in minutes
  • Pick a winner and alternates with a random prize draw
  • Blacklist bad users
  • Exclude previous winners or users who comment after the giveaway closes
  • Filter finalists by hashtags More info
  • Accumulate up to 10 posts in the same giveaway More info
  • Get a Certificate of Validity to prove your giveaway was fair
  • Test the app before you select a final winner
  • Run multiple giveaways from the same post More info
  • Announce the winners with a customized page
  • Announce the winners with a customized instant video What’s this?
  • Notify winners automatically
  • Verify winners and get contact details with the Claim Your Prize feature More info
  • Manage winners, alternates, and disqualifications
  • Host terms and conditions What's this?
  • Export a list of users and their comments to an Excel file
  • Export a list of users who have ‘liked’ the publication to an Excel file
  • Export the list of winners and all their contact details to an Excel file

Facebook Giveaway Case Studies

  • Run giveaways on multiple posts

    Chicco UK celebrated Mother's Day with a grand Facebook giveaway, collecting comments from several different posts.

    Agency: HROC

    Client: Chicco UK

    Read complete case study
  • Facebook giveaways as a long-term strategy

    Cookware brand and blog Maria Lunarillos built a huge Facebook audience through a regular program of giveaways.

    Client: María Lunarillos

    Read complete case study

Facebook Giveaway: Resources and help

  • Tutorial

    Get the complete guide to pick a winner on Facebook.

  • Claim Your Prize

    Enable the Claim Your Prize feature to verify winners and deliver their prizes.

Facebook Giveaway: Frequently Asked Questions